Festival Kick OFF – “False Alarm” by Virgilio Piñera

Opening the 2018 Out of the Wings Festival of theatre in translation with False Alarm, written by Cuban Virgilio Piñera and translated by Kate Eaton, has served to kick off proceedings with subtlety and levity.

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April Reading – Numancia (Spain,1585)

Numancia is a play that has haunted me ever since I first read it, thirteen years ago. I feel that it is a play that very much speaks to the times that we live in, and especially the conflict in the Middle East, where innocent civilians suffer so much as their cities are reduced to ruins, and entrenched positions make it so difficult to broker peace.

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The Out of the Wings Festival returns to the Cervantes Theatre in July 2018  

Now in its third edition, this year’s festival will include a day-long symposium event and three translation-themed workshops, alongside the usual five evening readings of translated plays from the Hispanic and Lusophone world.

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// CALL FOR PRESENTERS // Worldmaking on Stage: Theatre Translation Research as Practice A One-day Forum for Theatre Translation Practitioners and Researchers

We invite short proposals for ten-minute provocations or twenty-minute presentations engaging with any of the topic areas below. These need not be in Spanish or Portuguese.(…)

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January 2018 – Karl Marx, Año Zero / Karl Marx, Year Zero. (Chile, 2017)

Karl Marx, Chile

How to translate the work of Benjamín Galemiri? How to give it a ‘landing place’ here, in London, in 2018? I have to say that I approached the translation of Karl Marx Año Zero with real trepidation. It is infernally difficult. Just as it is infernally difficult to direct, to embody, to act.

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November Reading – Forgive Me For You Betraying (Brazil, 1957)

I participated on the OOTW Session led by Ramiro Silveira on ‘Forgive me for not betraying me’ two weeks ago via skype.  After initial introductions we read and discussed the play. What I thought was going to be a  discussion on the translation needs of the project became a discussion on the merits of producing […]

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October Reading – The Language of Mermaids (El Lenguaje de las Sirenas, 2013)

Mariana de Althaus is s a leading contemporary Peruvian playwright. Her work includes plays such as Ruido (Noise) and El Sistema Solar (The Solar System) as well as testimonial theatre pieces, the most recent being Pájaros en Llamas  (Birds on Fire), a dramatized chronicle of the two most important aviation disasters in Peru.

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Out of the Wings – our Autumn of Theatre

With the British summer barely over, it’s a busy time for Out of the Wings this month and next, with our members, colleagues and friends involved in a real fiesta/festa of theatre activity.

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Welcome – Bienvenidos

The Wings is an extension to our activities. The team will be writing about a diversity of topics, catching up on our monthly table readings, to discussion, news and experiences within the translation and theatre subjects.

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