Valencian playwright Víctor Sánchez Rodríguez trained in Directing and Playwriting at the Institut del Teatre, Barcelona. Directing and playwriting highlights include Wild Horses Wouldn’t Drag Me Away (Caballos salvajes no ma arrancarían de aquí, winner of the 2011 INJUVE award for best production); Written from the Flames (Escritos desde el fuego) and We Won’t Kill Each Other with Guns (Nosotros no nos mataremos con pistolas, winner of the 2016 MAX Award for best new playwright and nominated that same year for best new production). In 2015 he directed and co-authored Not Even Spain’s Damn Mother Would Recognise Her (A España no la va a conocer ni la madre que la parió), a reflection on the parallels between two historic moments of political change in Spain: 1982, when the socialists won an absolute majority in parliament, and today. In 2017 he recently opened Ivan and the Dogs (Iván y los perros) by Hattie Naylor at the Teatro Español, while Cuzco will open in Spain later in the autumn.
·  More about “Cuzco”
· William Gregory
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