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By: Víctor Sánchez Rodríguez
Translated by: William Gregory
Everyone in Cuzco wants to sell you some mystery
Tourists spend six months, every night after work, preparing for their holidays
So they can come to Cuzco
And buy themselves some mystery.
A couple crosses the globe for a relationship-salvaging trip of a lifetime, to Peru, and the Inca Trail. But the promise of rekindling and spiritual awakening soon gives way to disorientation, frustration, and the emergence of long-held resentments. Hooking up with a beautiful, successful, seductive pair of fellow travellers from the States does little to help, while altitude sickness, post-colonial guilt and run-ins with the locals only make things worse. Trapped in their hotel rooms, and overwhelmed by the weight of landscape and history, the pair struggles to withstand the strain. It wasn’t supposed to turn out like this.
In advance of its Spanish-language premiere at home this Autumn, this black comedy from one of Spain’s most exciting young playwrights explores the darker side of tourism, the frailty of relationships in a globalised world, and the effects of a series of chance meeting on two unsuspecting Europeans far, far away from home.
· About the author Victor Sánchez
·About the translator William Gregory
Creative Team
William Gregory
She: Denise Hoey
He: Richard Glaves