A pink bird standing on a branch.
Pablo Antonio Cuadra (1912-2002) was a Nicaraguan poet, essayist, short-story writer and playwright, and one of the principal figures of the Central American vanguardismo. Not only did his work have a great influence on the arts in Nicaragua, he also worked intensely to promote and disseminate literature throughout the country. In addition to his literary activity, he worked as a journalist, taught at universities and carried out diplomatic missions. From 1964 until his death, he was chair of the Nicaraguan Academy of Language. Some of Cuadra’s significant poetry collections include Poemas nicaragüenses (Nicaraguan poems, 1934), El jaguar y la luna (The Jaguar and the Moon, 1959), Cantos de Cifar (Songs of Cifar, 1971) and Siete árboles contra el atardecer (Seven Trees against the Dying Light, 1980). Cuadra also wrote short stories and plays (Por los caminos van los campesinos, [The Peasants Walk the Pathways, 1937]; El coro y la máscara [The Choir and the Mask, 1991]), researched folk literature and popular culture, write essays and literary criticism, and published works of philosophy and theology. While many of his other writings have been translated into English, this is the first English translation of his work as a playwright.


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