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By: Mariana de Althaus
Translated by: Mary Ann Vargas

A European premiere from Perú

I’d like a colour TV.
But you already have a television.
I’d like a bigger one.
A bigger one. I see. Why would you want a bigger TV?
So I can step inside it.

Noise examines the effects of violence on a middle class family in Lima in the late 80s, a time when The Shining Path’s terrorist activities have hit the capital, chronic inflation is unsustainable and food is scarce. Written two decades later in 2006, during Alan García’s second pre-election campaign, the play is a sardonic revision of the bleakest period of Peru’s recent history seen through the sudden clashes between Agusta, her two teenage children and the Neighbour, an anonymous young woman who is coerced into spending the night with them during a curfew.

Noise was first performed in Lima in 2006, directed by Mariana de Althaus. A decade later, the author directed a successful revival of the piece at the Centro Cultural de la Pontificia Universidad Católica (May, 2016).

· About the author Mariana de Althaus
·About the translator Mary Ann Vargas

Creative Team

Director: Mary Ann Vargas
Assistant: Sergio Maggiolo
Carolina Herran (Agusta)
Ana Torre (Neighbour)
Sebastián Viveros (Agustin)
Cinthia Lilen (Agustina)