From a very young age, Gaby has always been interested in stories related to the Peruvian Armed Conflict, a period that defined her childhood and adolescence, as well as her generation’s, there’s a wealth of artistic production that speaks about this conflict. In public debates, however, those dark years in the country’s recent republican history continue to be represented mainly as a confrontation between two irreconcilable sides: perpetrators and victims, evil versus good, and so on. Gaby believes that, ‘to understand ourselves better as a nation, we urgently need new stories and new languages that can help us address and question who we are.’
The Therapist is a fiction addressing untold histories. The play aims to create an imaginary space where an encounter between opposite sides can take place, one where a fictional character like the therapist comes face to face with real-life individuals currently facing life-sentences in Peru. Theatre is vital in helping us rebuild memory, both personal and collective. As Juan Mayorga tells us, theatre “is the ideal place from which to look at the world critically and imaginatively.”