Forum 2023 “Worldmaking on Stage:Community-building in and through Theatre Translation”
As part of the 2023 Out of the Wings Festival, Out of the Wings is once again coming together with Language Acts and Worldmaking and Translation Studies@Goldsmiths, University of London to offer a one-day discussion forum aimed at theatre translation practitioners and researchers.
Following the success of its previous two editions — Worldmaking on Stage: Theatre Translation Research as Practice and Worldmaking on Stage and the Work of Theatre Translation Beyond the Stage — this third Out of the Wings Forum, entitled Worldmaking on Stage: Community-building in and through Theatre Translation, invites participants to reflect on the ways in which theatre translation can connect with, promote — or challenge — efforts to recognise, value and/or support community, broadly conceived.
Taking place on the opening day of the Out of the Wings Festival, 11 – 15 July 2023, the forum will set the scene for a week of play readings from Latin America, Portugal, and Spain, presented in English translation every evening at the Omnibus Theatre. At the forum, we will bring together practitioners and researchers — actors, directors, producers, literary managers, commissioning editors, dramaturges, writers, translators, research students, theatre translation trainers, theatre translation lecturers, and academics — to engage with ideas on staging, teaching, and researching translated theatre. The forum will take place in-person at King’s College London.
Together, we will explore questions about what representation in theatre translation means, and what theatre translation ‘can’ or ‘should’ do as a representational art, with respect to building communities. What does community mean on the translated stage? Which communities of participation are involved in theatre translation? What technological opportunities exist to support community-building efforts?
Workshops 2023
Dramaturgy and Nostalgia
Through the investigation of extracts from Abilio Estevez’ The Doves and The General and Claudio Simoes’ Nothing Will Ever Be The Same Again, translators Kate Eaton and Almiro Andrade will guide participants through a practical workshop on structures and strategies of Nostalgia represented in Contemporary Latin American Dramaturgy.
This workshop will be held in the North East Wing, Bush House. King’s College London. Map and travel information information can be found here . The room number will be sent out the day before to registered participants.
Translation and Conflict
Do all writers stop writing in times of conflict? No. Do their words need to be heard beyond their native language. Very much so. Conflict makes the need for translation urgent, so that writers in conflict have their voices heard, so that those beyond the conflict learn the truth. Does conflict place any special demands on translators? In this workshop John Farndon explores these questions, and shows how translators can meet these demands. He’ll be drawing on his experience two extraordinary projects centring on the war in Ukraine, the Worldwide Ukrainian Play Reading project and Free All Words, but the ideas apply to other conflicts.
This workshop will be held online and in person.
Map and travel information information for in person attendees can be found here. The room number will be sent out the day before to registered participants.
The Zoom link for virtual attendees will be sent out the day before to all those who register to attend online.
Choral Translation
A practical workshop led by Monica Maffia taking a text in Spanish and working towards a collective translation into English. Monica says ‘ I prefer to call it choral, a musical term that implies a multiplicity of voices and ideas working towards a harmonious translation’.