TUESDAY 3rd / Time
(Africa Centre, Great Suffolk Street)

© La Isla de la Luna

Taller de Investigaciones Teatrales: Acción política y artística durante la última dictadura militar argentina
Marta Cocco
La Isla de la Luna

The book brings to light the story of the TiT (Workshop of Theatre Investigations) that up until now was unknown in Argentinian Political and Theatrical History. The TiT was born in Buenos Aires, in 1976 and developed during the most violent period of the Argentinian dictatorship, lead by the three branches of the military known as la “Junta militar” which targeted the cultural field as one of their main repressive objectives. At that time political parties were completely banned, broken up by the repression, and political activity looked to survive through other channels. The resistance against state terrorism built a network of political, social and cultural interconnections that generated multiple discourses against the monolithic discourse of the state and the TIT is an example of this process. The Workshop was working clandestinely and was formed by a generation of young survivors who faced state repression creatively and in the streets.

The author, Marta Cocco is an ex founder of the TiT who describes and analyses the movement as a grassroots cultural resistance against the dictatorship. The book reconstructs the historical and theatrical production of the TiT linking theoretical reflections with original sources. Therefore, it consists of testimonies, interviews with ex protagonists of the period, oral and written memories, as well as original documents that are brought together to render the story visible. The book contributed to the re-appropriation of the experiences that were made under the dictatorship in the struggle for the reconstruction of historical memory.
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