Our members Camila González and William Gregory were the guests of Alicia Edwards on London Live this week, talking about the forthcoming Out of the Wings Festival at the Omnibus Theatre, Clapham. If you missed it, never fear: you can catch up at London Live’s website or see the full interview here on Twitter.
A five day festival of theatre, from the Spanish and Portuguese-speaking world is set to take place at @OmnibusTheatre. @Outofthewings is aiming bring to life translations of work by playwrights from six countries. @Camilaymay and @wjg22 spoke to @AliciaEdwards. pic.twitter.com/GBv8Uv5r44 — London Live (@LondonLive) July 22, 2019
Join us July 30-August 03 at the Omnibus Theatre for a week of readings, workshops and conversation.