Welcome – BienvenidosPatricio Soto - Aguilar2 feb 20171 Min. de lecturaThe Wings is an extension to our activities. The team will be writing about a diversity of topics, catching up on our monthly table readings, to discussion, news and experiences within the translation and theatre subjects.#kings #london #wings #out #translation #college #announcement
The Wings is an extension to our activities. The team will be writing about a diversity of topics, catching up on our monthly table readings, to discussion, news and experiences within the translation and theatre subjects.#kings #london #wings #out #translation #college #announcement
On Invitation to Out of the Wings and on Becoming VirtualUnderlining the practicalities We held the Invitation to Out of the Wings evening on 4 March because we wanted people to see for...
‘Without Out of the Wings I wouldn’t have found this text at all.’ Director Kate OOut of the Wings 2017 saw the first-ever public reading of William Gregory’s translation of Cuzco by Víctor Sánchez Rodríguez. Two...
‘It’s a phenomenal exchange of work across countries.’ Actor Lanna Joffrey on workOur Evening with Out of the Wings draws closer and today we’re sharing more reflections from our friends and collaborators. Lanna...