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Foto del escritorPatricio Soto - Aguilar

Our Plans for the 2020 OOTW Festival

We were delighted to receive so many wonderful submissions from translators and playwrights for our fifth annual festival of plays from the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking world, originally scheduled for August 2020.

Owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has affected theatres throughout the UK, we have had to postpone the festival.

We still intend to hold the festival at a future date. Our preferred option at present would be still to hold the festival in person, rather than moving to an online format (although we realise this may change). For this reason, we have chosen to continue monitoring the situation, rather than to announce specific new dates or make concrete plans, and to accept that this may mean postponing the event quite significantly into the future. As the situation develops, we have remained in contact with our host venue, the Omnibus Theatre, and with the playwrights and translators whose work has been selected.

In the meantime, our activities continue: we have moved our monthly meeting fully online, and for the remainder of the year are making plans for new projects and activities which we look forward to telling you about soon. Meanwhile please do stay in touch, and take care.

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